What is social media?
Social media can include:
social networks, like Facebook and Twitter
video and image sharing tools, like YouTube and Instagram
enterprise tools, like Yammer, Microsoft Teams and SharePoint
professional networks, like LinkedIn
messaging tools, like Snapchat and Messenger
blogs and forums, like news hub and Whirlpool
wikis, like Wikipedia.
In this policy, post refers to any content created or shared on social media.
About this policy
As members of the Australian Public Service (APS), we have certain responsibilities.
These are included in:
agency policies
the Australian Public Service Commission’s Social Media Guidance
the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth), that includes the APS Values and APS Code of Conduct (the Code)
the Privacy Act 1988.
We’ve based this policy on these documents. It applies to social media use at all times.
You have a right to engage in public and political debate. Services Australia respects and supports this. However, you need to be aware of the responsibilities that limit your ability to participate fully in public discussions. This includes on social media.
The public relies on us to deliver government services impartially. We must always use common sense and judgement when using social media, along with the advice set out in this policy.
Personal social media use
When staff post in a personal capacity, it must be lawful. A reasonable person should not perceive it to be at any time:
in breach of state, territory or federal laws
affecting public confidence in the agency or the APS
affecting a staff member’s ability to complete duties in an apolitical or impartial manner
made on behalf of the agency or the Government.
When using social media, it’s not acceptable to:
protest policies the agency implements
release sensitive, personal or confidential agency information
post images or videos of staff members without their consent. This could include images of staff behaving in a way that is inconsistent with the APS Values or the Code
post content relating to work that is, or perceived as, offensive, threatening, harassing or discriminatory. This includes posts about the APS, stakeholders, the agency or its staff, whether named or not
engage in commentary that’s so harsh or extreme in its criticism or endorsement of the agency, the Australian Government or a Member of Parliament from any political party or their respective policies, that you can’t work, or gives the perception you can’t work professionally, efficiently or impartially.
Social media at work
You can use social media like Yammer and Microsoft Teams at work. It’s important these tools remain open and welcoming places for all staff.
These tools have their own terms of use you should follow, along with associated usage policies, like this policy.
When using social media at work, you must:
always be polite and respectful
not be argumentative or antagonistic
not infringe on intellectual property rights
unless authorised, not use agency ICT resources to provide comments to journalists, politicians or lobby groups
not create or knowingly access content that is inconsistent with the APS Values or the Code. This includes posts that are:
sexist or of a sexual nature
false or profane, whether obscured by symbols or not.
Professional social media use
You can use social media for professional purposes. This includes having a LinkedIn account for networking or career development.
You can choose to disclose your employment details on social media. However, you should always consider your privacy and security first. This is very important if you’re in a customer service role.
You can also use social media to raise awareness about the work of our agency. For example, sharing content from official agency social media accounts about emergency assistance.
If you’re in a senior position you should be especially mindful of the impact your online comments can have. You must lead by personal example in promoting the APS Values and the Code.
With the exception of enterprise tools such as Microsoft Teams, we ask you don’t:
use social media tools for internal business communications
list work-related telephone, email or physical contact details on social media.
Other factors to consider
When using social media, you should remember:
not to rely on anonymity or pseudonyms for protection and prevention of potential breaches
liking, sharing or commenting on a post could be seen to be endorsing the content or author
a site’s security setting should never be relied on to protect or keep material private
any online content can eventually be traced back to an individual, and their employment details revealed
online comments are available immediately to a wide audience. They effectively last forever, and may be copied and shared endlessly and out of context.
Breaching the social media policy
The Communications Division monitors social media to manage the agency’s online reputation.
Where necessary, we’ll contact you or your manager to discuss your online activity.
Should you potentially breach this policy, the People Division may be notified.
We look at a number of things when assessing potential breaches. These include seniority and the context within which the activity occurred.
You should speak to your manager about any concerns you have with other staff, the agency or the APS. This must not be done through social media.
You should contact your manager if you:
are still unsure about your responsibilities when using social media
are worried about your privacy or reputation due to social media posts
find information online you think the agency needs to know about, such as a person needing help to access government services or inappropriate social media activity by other staff.
How the agency uses social media
As part of our Master Plan, we’re committed to serving the public in a simple, helpful, respectful and transparent way. This includes using social media as a valuable way to provide customer service and updates about government payments and services.
It’s important to note:
social media can help us keep informed about important customer issues. If staff find issues on social media the agency should know about, please email the Media Branch
only authorised staff should respond to the public on the agency’s official social media accounts
our official social media accounts go through a strict approval process before creation. If you’re thinking of creating social media accounts for work, email the Media Branch.
More information
For more information about this policy or related topics:
visit the Yammer Hub on the intranet for the Yammer Terms of Use and Yammer Administrator contact details
read our Conduct and Behaviour Policy and Acceptable Use of ICT Facilities Policy on the intranet
read about our commitment to customers in the Master Plan on the intranet
read more about Social media in Services Australia
You can also visit the Australian Public Service Commission’s website to:
read the APS Values and the Code of Conduct